About Delete
Click on your question below or call us at 088-2242222 for the answer to all your questions.
Since 2010, you can finally visit a specialized waxing salon for all your waxing treatments. We have waxing salons in Amsterdam (7 salons), Rotterdam, Utrecht (3 salons), Nieuwegein, Eindhoven, Den Haag, Den Bosch, Zwolle, Laren en Alkmaar! We do what we are best at and that is waxing! Nothing more, and nothing less. Our waxing salons, our employees and our products are solely dedicated to waxing. The most popular treatment at Delete is the Brazilian wax for women and the Boyzilian wax for men. We have our own specialized Delete-wax and the best techniques and methods to be able to wax quickly with minimal discomfort. All our employees get a comprehensive training before they start waxing in a Delete waxing salon. Waxing at Delete is not a service; it is a full experience. We do what we are good at and that’s waxing! Delete’s wax salon is not a beauty farm, beauty salon or city spa, we are a wax bar. That’s what we do best!
Wat is waxing?
Waxing is the removal of unwanted hair. At Delete, we wax the entire body except for head hair; we like to leave that to the hairdresser.
Why waxing?
Hair removal by wax is an ancient tradition that has been fully restored. More and more men and women are discovering the benefits of waxing over shaving, creams and so-called “permanent” hair removal methods. Only waxing guarantees that your hair will be gone for weeks and that your skin will feel soft and clean. What more could you wish for?
The rise of waxing
Beginning in the mid-1990s, waxing is on the rise again. First mainly in South America (Brazilian waxing) and then in the United States, Australia and Asia. In the beginning of this century, the trend has travelled to Europe. After Southern Europe, Delete’s goal is to also convince the Netherlands and Northern Europe of the benefits of waxing. The most famous and popular wax treatment is by far the Brazilian wax. Here all pubic hair is removed. This treatment can be done on both women and men (also known as a Boyzilian for the boys). At Delete, we call it the ultimate Brazilian wax, and it’s our specialty.
The Ultimate Brazilian Wax
We have reviewed and tested different types of techniques and wax that would be ideal for our ultimate Brazilian wax. The application technique and wax itself was developed with Delete’s involvement to uphold our core values: to be professional, hygienic and cause minimal pain. Our Wax Angels specialize in waxing alone. So be assured that with our Angels, you are in heavenly hands.
Our Delete Wax
Delete works with several types of wax, all of which were designed and engineered for Delete. The wax has a great traction that only attaches to the hair and not to the skin. And our most important feature about our waxes—they are especially designed to be as comfortable for our clients as possible. Sure, waxing is not entirely painless, with Delete however, it is far more comfortable.
Wax virgin?
Have you never experienced waxing yet, heard ghost stories and urban myths about people who have gotten wax treatments? Waxing is not painless, but it is far less painful than stories and friends lead you to believe. he first time is the most sensitive because it is the first time your hairs have been removed like this. Come the second time, you will notice how much less sensitive your skin will be. And after the third time? That will only leave soft hair, which is far less painful to wax. Do you find waxing interesting? You can always come over and have some hair on your arm waxed to see if you like it.
When you come in for your first Brazilian, there will be a moment when you will have to take off your underwear. We understand that the first time will be uncomfortable for some. Our Wax Angels see dozens of pubic areas daily, for both women and men, they have seen it all. No person is the same and that also applies to the pubic area. For our professional Wax Angels, only the satisfaction of our client’s matter. You can absolutely rely on our discretion and professionalism.
Brazilian Wax
Delete is considered as the wax specialist of the Netherlands and provides the ultimate Brazilian wax. With us, you get what you want: a fast, professional and hygienic treatment that results in a very smooth and soft pubic area. Both men and women are returning to Delete as happy customers wanting the same treatment and smooth result. After their internal training at the Delete Academy (6-8 weeks), our Wax Angels are more than experienced in waxing in general, and specialised in Brazilian waxing.
Where are you located?
Delete Professionals in Waxing currently has 18 locations. For a full overview of our locations check our locations page
What number can I reach Delete at?
You can call and email all of our branches directly.
088 224 2222 Service Center
088 224 2220 A’dam Oud-West
088 224 2221 A’dam de Pijp
088 224 2223 A’dam Zuidas
088 224 2224 A’dam Noord
088 224 2225 A’dam v/d Valk Amstel
088 224 2226 A’dam Zuidoost
088 224 2227 A’dam KNSM eiland
088 224 2272 Alkmaar
088 224 2270 Den Haag
088 224 2273 Den Bosch
088 224 2240 Eindhoven
088 224 2235 Laren NH
088 224 2233 Nieuwegein
088 224 2210 R’dam Centrum
088 224 2230 Utrecht Oost
088 224 2231 Utrecht Vredenburg
088 224 2232 Utrecht Leidsche Rijn
088 224 2238 Zwolle
Our Service Center can be reached at 088-2242222. The easiest booking is online at > www.delete-waxing.com.
How can I schedule an appointment?
With Delete, you can either book online or call.
Why waxing?
Waxing is the only method of hair removal where you achieve a direct result: wonderfully soft, smooth skin. Waxing is the only method that keeps the hairs away for weeks.
Is waxen hetzelfde als harsen?
Nee, harsen is de methode die veel schoonheidsspecialistes gebruiken, waarbij vaak wordt gewerkt met een roller en strips. Deze methode is door iedereen makkelijk te leren, maar levert niet het ultieme resultaat op. Kortom, gemak voor de schoonheidsspecialiste, maar ongemak voor de klant. Waxen is de manier van ontharing die internationaal als standaard geldt. Met een spatel wordt de wax aangebracht om daarna met zo min mogelijk ongemak te worden verwijderd.
What kinds of wax are there?
You can roughly distinguish between two types of wax: hard wax and soft wax. Hard wax (also called hot film or resin film) is used on the most sensitive body parts (bikini, armpits, face) and soft wax is used for the rest of the body. Hard wax adheres only to the hair and not to the skin, as it naturally becomes hard. Once the hard wax is sufficiently hard, the wax strip is removed with one pull. Soft wax is removed with cotton strips after a thin layer has been applied to the waxing area with a metal spatula (legs, arms, chest, back). When using soft wax, the wax does not need to harden to remove hair.
Je eerste keer waxen?
Waxen klinkt eng en er gaan vast en zeker ook in jouw vrienden- en kennissenkring een aantal horrorverhalen rond. Wij willen je helpen om over je angst heen te komen, zie het als het afstrepen van je bucketlist.
How long should my hair be?
The ideal length is 5mm and the maximum length is 1.5cm. Hair that is too short cannot be removed with wax and with long hairs, you feel more pain during the removal. Therefore, we ask you to ensure that your hair must not exceed 1.5cm.
Ik ben ongesteld, kan ik waxen?
Waxen tijdens je menstruatie is geen enkel probleem, zolang je een tampon in hebt. Veel van onze vrouwelijke klanten plannen hun Brazilian juist kort na de menstruatie, zodat juist tijdens de menstruatie de haartjes even kunnen groeien. Mocht je het touwtje vervelend vinden, dan zou je de Soft+Comfort tampons van Beppy kunnen proberen (www.beppy.com).
How can I pay at Delete?
At Delete, you can pay with PIN or your credit card. You cannot pay with cash. his is done for security reasons and besides this, more and more companies are no longer accepting cash payments.
Why can I not pay with cash?
Delete has chosen to only accept card payments. Our reasoning is that we have considered the safety of our employees and do not want to have cash in the salons. Luckily almost everyone in Holland either has a debit or credit card. Therefore, we hope this isn’t an inconvenience for anyone.
Hoe kan ik mijn Delete Deal opzeggen?
Met de Delete Deal bespaar je tot € 140 per jaar op je Brazilian wax-behandelingen en tevens korting op de overige behandelingen. De Delete Deal wordt aangegaan voor 1 jaar en kan daarna per maand worden opgezegd met inachtneming van 1 maand opzegtermijn ingaande de eerstvolgende volledige maand. Wil je jouw Delete Deal opzeggen, dan kan dat heel gemakkelijk door een e-mail te sturen naar info@delete-waxing.com. Je ontvangt na de verwerking van jouw opzegging per mail automatisch een bevestiging. Is deze informatie nog juist??
Allergisch voor colofonium (bruinepleister-allergie)?
Als je allergisch bent voor colofonium (hars, rosin) dan kun je niet waxen bij Delete. In de volksmond is deze allergie bekend als ‘bruinepleister-allergie’. Colofonium is een plantaardige stof die wordt gewonnen uit het hars van naaldbomen van de Pinus-bomenfamilie. Deze stof zit naast wax in veel producten, zoals pleisters, fotopapier, kauwgom en inkt, en dus ook in sparren/ dennenbomen.
Does Delete offer sugaring?
Delete only uses soft wax and hard wax and does not offer sugaring. Sugaring takes longer than a typical treatment with hard or soft wax. Therefore, we think sugaring is not fitting with the Delete mission of providing fast, hygienic and professional waxing.
Are all the Wax Angels women?
Yes. Both men and women are thus treated by a female Wax Angel.
Wat is het beleid bij ongewenst gedrag?
Delete hanteert een strikt beleid waar het gaat om ongewenst gedrag. Bij ongewenst gedrag volgt eerst een waarschuwing van de behandelende Wax Angel. Mocht dit niet voldoende zijn, dan zal je worden gesommeerd, na betaling, de salon te verlaten.
Kan ik tussen twee waxbehandelingen scheren?
Alles kan, maar de enige die je hiermee minder blij maakt, ben je zelf. Naast het ongemak van scheren (vaak stoppels, jeuk, bultjes) komen ook de haren harder terug, waardoor je volgende wax behandeling aanvoelt als de eerste keer. Verreweg de meeste mensen die waxen zijn direct overtuigd en weten wel beter dan te gaan scheren.
When can I not wax?
For most people, waxing is the ultimate hair removal method, however there are some cases where it is better not to wax. We do not recommend waxing if clients are using the following medications as it causes sensitive skin, thin skin and weakens the skin: – Retin A – Renova – Differin – Isotretioin – Roaccutane
I am pregnant, can I wax?
Yes, you can. In many cases, pregnant women have found waxing a better hair removal solution during those nine months. Especially in the last months, shaving can be difficult. And when labor begins, we guarantee a tidy place down there. However, waxing can be slightly more sensitive during pregnancy. The favorite week for our pregnant clients? Week 37 🙂
How soon after childbirth may I be waxed?
The return to waxing varies in time per client. As a rule, you can assume that you can be waxed again when you have healed. The Wax Angel will determine discreetly if you are ready for the wax.
Can I get waxed with an intimate piercing?
Of course, you can have a Brazilian or Boyzilian with an intimate piercing. The areas with intimate piercings are normally free of hair. Our Wax Angels can clean the area and work around it.
Can I wax if I have diabetes?
Yes, that’s not a problem. We do like to hear this prior to the treatment, so that the Wax Angel can take into account that some people have thinner skin.
What if I have damaged, sunburnt or thinner skin?
We ask that you share with your Wax Angel if you have any damaged, sunburnt, thinner or sensitive skin. They will take this into account and modify the wax treatment to better fit your skin. If the entire surface of the skin you wish to wax is an issue, we advise you not to wax until it’s healed.
I am a man and have small bumps on my chest after being waxed. What are these?
The skin of the chest of a man is very thin and after the first chest wax, the skin can become irritated. You may then get small bumps. Those bumps appear 24 to 48 hours after waxing. If this happens, always on the first waxing. Your second time shouldn’t have this outcome Beauty comes with a price it seems.
Hoe gaat Delete om met mijn klantinformatie?
Om een optimale dienstverlening te kunnen garanderen, legt Delete informatie van haar klanten vast in een digitale database. Deze database is aangemeld bij het College Bescherming Persoonsgegevens onder meldingsnummer m1579258.
Can I plan multiple appointments for the future?
Of course, you can always make future appointments, and we recommend it. This way you can easily consider special weekends, holidays, or other special occasions. We will plan with you for the future so you don’t have to worry about making appointments in the coming months.
Vrijgezellenfeest: kan ik een afspraak inplannen als onderdeel van een vrijgezellenfeest?
We snappen de humor hiervan, maar Delete is een professionals waxsalon en daar hoort geen vrijgezellenfeest bij. Je kunt voor dus geen behandeling inboeken die onderdeel is van een vrijgezellenfeest en mocht dit in praktijk toch gebeuren, dan zal de Wax Angel weigeren de behandeling uit te voeren. De betalingsverplichting blijft dan bestaan.
Can I bring my child(ren) to Delete?
We love children! Yet bringing children to your appointment at Delete is not allowed. Bringing your children for the wax treatment could possibly lead to unwanted disturbance in the salon and the cabin. This could affect the quality of the treatment, and therefore we ask you to not bring your children for safety reasons.
Can I bring my animal to Delete?
For hygienic reasons, it is not allowed to bring pets into Delete.
Can I be waxed if I am a minor (under 18 years old)?
Delete waxes everyone, regardless of age. However, clients under 18 years of age must have permission from parents/guardians. During the first appointment, age will be noted and permission from parents/guardians will be sought.
Kan ik iemand meenemen bij de behandeling?
Onze cabines zijn niet ingericht op het meenemen van iemand tijdens je behandeling. Daarnaast kan de aanwezigheid een extra persoon in de cabine invloed hebben op de kwaliteit van de behandelingen.
FAQ Permanent Hair Removal
You’ll find answers to all other questions about permanent hair removal in our FAQ, including answers to questions on the following topics: Minimum age, advantages over shaving, hair-free time, hair length, risks, ingrown hairs, menstruation, billing body parts, price differences for men & piercings.
From what age can I get permanent hair removal?
You must be at least 18 years old. However, we recommend that you begin treatment at 18 years of age at the earliest, when your hormone balance is fully regulated after puberty, because a switch in your hormones can cause inactive hair cells to become active and produce hair.
What is Delete permanent hair removal?
Delete now offers hair removal in ‘Amsterdam de Pijp, Rotterdam and Almere. We work with HyperPulse technology for permanent hair removal.
This technology, melanin plays only a secondary role. The main target are the germ cells in which new hairs are produced.
Instead of single pulses with high energy, multiple pulses with relatively low single pulse energy are delivered. The large number of pulses means a tremendously high total energy per treatment area is delivered without stressing the epidermis. The revolutionary gliding method, in which the handpiece glides over the area to be treated 6-10 times, heats the area to a skin-friendly 45°C.
Thanks to this method, clients can enjoy a quick, effective and, above all, virtually painless and gentle treatment.
What skin and hair types can be treated?
Almost all skin and hair types can be treated with the medical devices we use.
Even tanned skin and blond hair can be treated. Only white or gray hair cannot be treated.
The client’s skin type should be determined during the consultation before the first treatment.
Which device is used for permanent hair removal?
Delete works with HyperPulse technology (HyperPulse device) for permanent hair removal.
How does it differ from home IPL devices?
While with home IPL devices the hair follicles are only put into a resting phase, with the Hyperpulse method they are permanently destroyed after the intended treatment cycle (about 6-10 treatments) and a maintenance treatment should only take place once a year. Once treatment with home IPL devices is stopped, hair growth will resume.
What should I consider before and after treatment?
For up to 4 weeks before and after treatment, avoid intense sun or tanning bed exposure.
The area to be treated should not be waxed, sugared or plucked 4 weeks in advance. Shaving is always possible.
The area to be treated should be thoroughly shaved up to 24 hours before treatment. Shaving even shorter in advance is better. To help you prepare for your appointment, you can read our Delete permanent hair removal information here, as well as our information sheet. During the consultation, we will go over both with you in detail.
When can a treatment not be performed?
There are indications with which we have no experience and in which it is not possible to make a definitive judgment as to whether a permanent hair removal treatment can be performed. We therefore strongly recommend that you consult your doctor before treatment if you have any doubts about your skin or hair.
If the following contraindications are present, treatment is not possible:
– Diabetes
– Psoriasis (acute in the treatment area)
– Neurodermatitis (acute in the treated area)
– Open skin patches (acute in the treatment area)
– Eczema, dermatitis (acute in the treatment area)
– Dark birthmarks (“ABCDE rule”) (these areas are covered and omitted during treatment).
– Tattoos (these areas are covered and omitted during treatment)
– Skin tumors
– Skin cancer (treatment is not possible even if the skin cancer is already cured).
– Preparations that increase skin sensitivity to light (e.g., St. John’s wort or malaria prophylaxis)
– vitiligo
– epilepsy
– Cancer (uncured cancer of any kind, you must be cancer-free for at least 5 years).
– Pregnancy and breastfeeding
Are there any risks or side effects to the treatment?
The light pulses penetrate only 2-6 mm deep into the skin. So there is no risk to internal organs or anything like that.
No cosmetic procedure is guaranteed to be free of certain risks. Despite all due care, sometimes side effects or complications can occur that require further treatment:
Sometimes pigment shifts occur in the skin. This means that the treated areas of the skin become discolored. In very rare cases, especially when exposed to sunlight, these pigment shifts do not disappear completely and remain clearly visible.
If the skin is very sensitive, superficial scabs may sometimes appear a few days after hair removal. These usually heal without consequences after 3 to 5 days at the latest. If not, it is essential to consult a physician.
Occasionally, there may be temporary mild swelling or redness, which usually disappears on its own.
In isolated cases, more hair growth may occur in the treated skin area after treatment.
Sometimes, if you suffer from a herpes simplex virus infection, this can lead to reactivation of the dormant viruses in the nerve cells and a new outbreak of herpes simplex.
Scarring is extremely rare.
Certain medications (e.g., tetracyclines) make the skin much more sensitive to light or laser. This can lead to burning of the skin. Your Angel should therefore be informed of any medications you are taking prior to treatment.
How does the treatment work?
After a consultation, you and the Angel fill out and sign a medical history form.
Treatment begins with shaving the treatment area if necessary, should stubble still be visible. After disinfection, the treatment area is divided into individual grids with a white marker.
Then you and the Pulse Angel put on goggles and the Angel applies cooled ultrasonic gel with a spatula or directly with an ultrasonic spray. Once the device is specifically adjusted, the treatment begins. The Angel moves the handpiece several times in even motions over the first of the previously marked grids. A grid is treated until the preset time is counted down. Each grid is treated in turn until the entire area is treated.
After the treatment, the remaining ultrasound gel is removed from the area to be treated. Angel then applies a nourishing cream from the Delete pre- and aftercare line. Now you can get dressed again.
Finally, the Angel notes the parameters used in the client file.
How does the treatment feel? Do you feel pain?
In general, the treatment is virtually painless. However, if the area to be depilated has not been shaved clean beforehand so stubble is still present, you will feel a slight sting when the Angel moves the device over the affected area.
An integrated cooling system prevents the skin from getting hot, making the treatment very comfortable for you.
After how many treatments can I see results?
The first results can be noticeable from the 1st session. Hair grows in cycles. Only growing hairs just below the surface of the skin are suitable for treatment with HyperPulse. Dormant, not yet visible hairs or hairs in the failure phase (transition phase, resting phase) cannot absorb enough light and therefore cannot be treated optimally. Typically, each treatment achieves up to 90% of the hair that is visible and growing at that time (anagen phase).
After the treatment, the hair is still in the skin. After about 1-3 weeks (depending on the body area), they fall out. The first results are then visible.
How many treatments are needed?
Usually 6-10 treatments are required for satisfactory results. These should take place every 4-6 weeks.
No guarantee of success can be given as it depends on many factors (individual hair growth, skin and hair condition, hormonal balance, medication intake, etc.).
Are there any clinical studies on the results?
Yes, the results of Alma Lasers have all been confirmed in clinical trials and cover a period of several years.