Cancel and No Show

We understand that there is always a possibility that you would like or need to cancel your appointment. This can be done easily, up to 24 hours before the appointment and without any extra charges, via

Cancellation policy

Moment of cancellation
More than 24 hours before
Less than 24 hours before
Less than 12 hours before

Costs to be paid

No show policy

As you can imagine a client not turning up for their appointment can put us in a difficult situation, as a company we miss turnover and have a gap in our schedule. Of course, we always have the clients best interest in mind and understand the occasional missed appointment. However, when this occur more often the client is obliged to pay the costs of the missed appointment. A “No Show” is a client who does not show up at the start of the appointed time, this includes coming 15 minutes late. This will be specified in your client card.